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List your business and get discovered by Aussie dog lovers

This submission form is for product-based businesses, including both retail stores and online dog stores, that serve customers either face-to-face or online.

Step 1 of 8

What does a listing look like?

Take a look at what a successful business listing looks like, then hit the 'Next' button to start creating yours.

Create A Shopping Listing Shop Local Listing PawsUpClub


What happens after you submit your information?

  1. We’ll create the listing for you and optimise it to show up in all the right places across our website. This process typically takes 2-7 business days.
  2. You’ll receive a notification email once the listing is ready.
  3. The notification email will include your account login details.
  4. Use your account login to update your listing information at any time. No need to do anything with the login details if you don’t need to make updates.

    And that’s it! Your business will now be discoverable to our community of Aussie dog lovers 🥳 
Create A Shopping Listing Dogs of Australia Listing Dashboard Preview
With your account details, you can edit your listing details and check your listing analytics.

Benefits of creating a business listing

Want to give your business a boost in the dog-friendly world? By creating a listing on our directory, you’ll be putting yourself on the map (literally!) for our community of Aussie dog lovers to see. Check out what you’ll get:

Get your brand in front of even more dog lovers with our exclusive Australian Dog Brands page. This is a unique feature specifically for product-based dog businesses.

As the #1 Google result for “Australian Dog Brands”, this page is the go-to destination for anyone looking to shop for their furry friend.

Think of it as a growing list of awesome Aussie brands, offering everything a pup and their owner could need, from collars to shampoos, artwork, and more.

Create A Shopping Listing Dogs of Australia Aussie Dog Brands page

Our Explore page is the hub of all our listings and makes finding what you’re looking for a breeze.

With its clean design and user-friendly interface, you can easily filter through your options to find what you need.

And the best part? Being part of our Explore page means increased visibility for your business, helping you reach a wider audience of dog lovers and expand your customer base.

Create A Shopping Listing Dogs of Australia Explore Page
Get a little extra exposure for your business by creating a listing on our website – it increases your chances of getting featured in an article! As a business with a listing on our site, you’ll have first dibs on being included in any future articles that are a perfect match for your biz. Our editors love to use the directory for inspiration, so who knows – you could be next!

Get your business in front of the right people with our Native Ads feature – a unique perk of creating a business listing on our website.

When you create a listing, your business will show up as a native ad in relevant articles and pages across our website.

This means that, for example, if you’re a business from Queensland, your listing will appear in articles all about that sunny state.

It’s a smart way to get your business noticed by dog lovers who are already interested in what you have to offer, making it easier to reach your target audience and grow your customer base.

Create A Shopping Listing Dogs of Australia Native Ads

When you create a business listing, you’ll also enjoy these additional benefits:

Verified Badge
Showcase your commitment to quality and reliability with a verified badge on your listing.
Advanced Listing Page
Showcase your business by including your logo, business name, address, image gallery, description, links to your website and social media accounts.
Offer Exclusive Deals
Engage with our community by offering coupons directly from your listing page.
✅ Manage Your Listing Easily
Our self-service dashboard makes it easy for you to manage and update your listing at any time.
✅ Get Found Easily
Our map locator and directions feature helps customers find you with ease.
✅ Boost Your Visibility
Promote your listing and rank higher in search results to attract more customers. 
Get More with a Discount
Enjoy a 20% discount on any other marketing services we offer.