Do Border Collies Bark A Lot?

Do Border Collies bark a lot? The answer to this question is not always black and white. First, it’s important to understand that barking is a natural behaviour for dogs. They do it to communicate with us and to express themselves. However, some dogs bark more than others. If your Border Collie is constantly barking, it could be because they’re trying to tell you something. Maybe they’re bored or anxious. Or, it could be that they’re simply excited and need an outlet for all their energy.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to try to figure out why your Border Collie is barking. Once you do, you can start working on ways to stop or reduce the behavior, when required.

Are Border Collies prone to barking?

Some Border Collies may be prone to barking, but it’s hard to say. Genetics and the environment will play a role, so even within the same breed and litter of puppies, some may bark more than others.

To be completely honest, I’ve found that the majority of the information on the internet about dog breeds that bark the most is based on speculation. To this day, I have yet to come across an article that relies on real data or research literature as a foundation for its findings.

How do I get my Border Collie to stop barking?

The truth is that barking is a natural behaviour for Border Collies. They do it to communicate with us and to express themselves. If your Border Collie barks excessively, there’s an underlying issue that’s causing it, which could be boredom, anxiety, or pain. To find out what’s causing your dog to bark excessively, it’s best to consult a behaviourist vet near you.

A behaviourist vet will be able to rule out pain as the underlying cause of your dog’s excessive barking, and they will be able to recommend a qualified dog trainer if required.

Once the underlying issues are addressed, you can even teach your Border Collie to stop (or start) barking on command.

Why do Border Collies bark at everything?

A lot of the time, if your Border Collie barks at everything, it’s because they’re in an overstimulated high-drive mental state of mind.


I know that there’s a lot of information across the internet that will tell you that your Border Collie is a highly-active, intelligent dog breed that needs a ton of exercise and stimulation.

In most cases, those articles are written by people who have never owned or trained a Border Collie.

Yes, the Border Collie is one of the most athletic and intelligent dog breeds. No, that doesn’t mean that you need to run your Border Collie for two hours every single day.

Do Border Collies ever calm down?

It’s far more important that you teach your Border Collie an “off-switch”. How to be calm, rather than in a constant working state of mind.

You can do this through training, by teaching your Border Collie to relax on cue. Once you have an “off-switch” cue in place, you’ll be able to better manage your dog’s high-drive moments, and they’ll be less likely to bark excessively.

How to train a Border Collie?

If you’re new to the world of Border Collies, it’s important to seek out help from a qualified dog trainer who’s experienced with Border Collies. They are amazing dogs, but a lot of the time, they’ll require a different training approach than other dog breeds.

A qualified dog trainer will be able to help you set your Border Collie up for success, and they’ll be able to teach you how to train your dog in a way that’s fair, effective, and fun for both of you.

The Verdict

Border Collies bark to communicate with us and to express themselves. If your dog is barking excessively, there’s an underlying issue that’s causing it. In most cases, the underlying issue is boredom, anxiety, or pain. To find out what’s causing your dog to bark excessively, it’s best to consult a behaviourist vet.

In addition, to make your life easier, and to develop a better relationship with your dog, it helps to learn about dog body language. That way, you can better understand what your dog is trying to tell you, and you’ll be able to respond in a way that’s calm and effective.



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