Pet Resume: Everything You Need To Know + 2 Templates

A pet resume can help you demonstrate that you’re a responsible pet owner.

With an estimated 5.1 million pet dogs in Australian households, it’s safe to say that we love our dogs.

They bring so much joy into our lives, but finding dog-friendly accommodation is often still challenging in Australia.

It appears that many landlords don’t want to expose themselves to potential increased risks that come with renting to dog owners.

They may be worried about:

  • Damage to the house or apartment (think scratches on doors or soiled carpets)
  • Damage to the backyard (think digging and ruining the grass)
  • Bothering the neighbours due to excessive noise from barking
  • Risk of fleas in the home

Now, we know many dogs who are a lesser risk to investment properties than some humans out there. But your potential new landlord may not know this, and they may have had a bad experience in the past. And that’s why pet resumes can be a really powerful tool to help get you on top of the list for your next rental property.

What does pets on application mean?

Pets on application means that a landlord is willing to consider renting to tenants with pets, but they won’t accept all types of pets.

The landlord may have something specific in mind, such us small pets only. But this is also an opportunity for you to tell the landlord that you’re a responsible pet owner with a well-behaved animal that won’t cause them any worries.

You can do this by including a dog resume and cover letter to your rental application.

What is a dog rental resume?

A dog rental resume is a document that includes details of your dog to help to set you apart from your competition.

In a competitive market, property managers and landlords are getting flooded with applications for available rental properties.

It’s in their nature to look for the most suitable tenant, and a dog rental resume can help you in addressing any concerns they may have.

What should be included in a pet resume?

There are different approaches to making a pet resume, but here are some examples of what can be helpful to include:

  • Dog’s name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Breed
  • Health & Hygiene
  • Personality
  • Education (Puppy school, Obedience courses, Private training, …)
  • References (Previous landlords, Neighbours, Vet, …)

Who should write a dog reference letter for the landlord?

Anyone who can vouch for you and your dog can write a dog reference letter for your landlord.

Here are some examples that may be suitable for you:

  • Previous landlord or property manager (be creative – if you haven’t previously rented with your dog, try booking a dog-friendly Airbnb and ask your host if they can write you a reference after your stay)
  • Neighbour (to assure your dog doesn’t excessively bark when home alone)
  • Housemate (to share that living with you and your pet has been a pleasant experience)
  • Vet (to advise you’re a responsible dog owner who makes sure their dog is up-to-date on vaccines, etc.)
  • Dog trainer (to assure your dog is trained and under your verbal control)

How do you write a dog reference?

It depends on who’s writing the reference, but here’s an example for what a reference from a previous landlord could look like:

“To whom it may concern:

I gladly write this letter of reference for my previous tenant Mrs Williams and her dog Sunny.

I have rented a two-bedroom unit in Townsville to them for two years. During this time I have found her to be a responsible tenant and dog owner. I have experienced no problems as a result of Sunny living in the property with Mrs Williams.

Sunny is a friendly dog who did not excessively bark or cause any damage to my property or furnishings. Mrs Williams has always kept the property clean and tidy, and I have no hesitation in recommending her to you as a tenant.

If you have any questions and would like to discuss further, please call me on xxxx xxx xxx.”

How do you make a pet resume for renting?

You can either write a pet resume yourself, or you can buy a template.

Templates can be found on Etsy and will likely save you time compared to starting from scratch by writing a pet resume yourself.

A nicely designed pet resume can help you to stand out from other applicants but it’s by no means a necessity.

You can keep it simple and create one yourself by using Word or Google documents. Or if you have a regular resume for yourself, maybe you can even adapt that one to work for your dog ๐Ÿ™‚

Pet dog resume examples and templates

Dog resume template for rental houses and apartments

Pet Resume: Everything You Need To Know + 2 Templates
Buy from $15.45 on Etsy

Pet application cover letter

Pet Resume: Everything You Need To Know + 2 Templates

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